An Ode to the Farm – Writing Long-Form Poetry Truly Sucks…
I felt like playing around with long-form poetry today, so I did.
This was inspired by an advert on Freelancer for a long-form poem request.
Yep, inspiration can come from many sources, even job advertisements, 😆 🤣
It’s not pretty or flowery or even good it’s just how I see my farm life.
Sometimes it is nice to write without judgment. I see my humor and sarcasm and I enjoy it.
So, this is just a first draft of
Long-form Poetry, Are you kidding me?
Chicken Farming, my muse, my unsightly insanity,
Frustration astounds me, chickens abound, yet somehow you mellow me.
From screeching roosters of bright green and black feathers ever early waking gems.
To gentle clucks of Pekin hens, my breakfast and lunch delight extends.
Your cacophony of sounds and delights quite often fills my heart with fright.
I stroll through the paddocks so lush and green,
Weeds dance and sway it’s hardly serene.
I listen to birds’ sweet songs, and I sing along. Unappreciative birds.
The Magpie swoops so I move along.
I climb the hilltops now so high,
Where clouds dance in front of me across the sky.
I gaze down at the valleys deep and wide,
And feel the world beneath me glide or is it my age out of balance these days?
I walk along the old cattle tracks,
Where sheep shit and kangaroos now make their impact.
I breathe in the stinky smells – pooh!
And feel sad the cows – here no more.
I rise after reading a book and still marvel at the sunrise almost every day.
The book always ends too soon, and the sun is a fiery canvas painted so slowly.
The evening comes not with a gentle kiss, there is no sweet bliss.
I find solace in tiredness, and my aching joints, and I give in.
Farming, you were my teacher for so long,
In your embrace, I still hold on.
Teach me once more to live with ease,
And to cherish all that’s wild and free.
I am grateful for your endless space,
For the beauty and the dirt that now covers my face.
Farming, my muse, my sanctuary,
You are my heart’s true ecstasy.
I may one day refine this, finish it, or change it completely. I may just let it sit and never come back to it.
This is how Zak writes.
Don’t judge me, for I will not listen, and I will take no notice.
Do you like writing poetry?
Would you like to give it a go?
I won’t judge if you tell me it sucks, or that I suck because I said poetry sucks and that i dont like it that much. We don’t have to like everything about writing but to be completely honest about poetry. I always hated it up until I took over our local writing group.
Several of the members wrote poetry and over time I have learned to appreciate poetry and even long form poetry. It’s definitely not a love of mine but I do read it from time to time, and sometimes I even enjoy it a little.
So simply Keep writing, worry not what others think. Enjoy all that you do. Life is too short to worry. Enjoy! Back to normal for me again tomorrow hating poetry: just teasing 😉 😘
Zak – calm today.
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