Here’s a late Friday early Saturday Freewrite: Lessons Learned from a Delusional State ~ 2024

Freewrite: Bean Studying Accounting Lately, and it Tends to Mess with your Creative Side ~ BIG TIME!
Just so others don’t stumble across this same delusional state (hear me all you, ‘Young Ones’, and be cautioned) as I did when I decided a couple of years back to Enrol in Accounting.
Here it is ‘Friday Freewrite’ on Saturday.
The aim of Friday Freewrite is to extend your writing abilities or simply get you Writing
So I have been diving into the world of Accounting, due to this course, and let me tell you, it’s a whole different ballgame than writing. This numerical realm has a way of overshadowing the creative side of your brain. I have even lost my ability to spell! It’s like a drone that consumes your thoughts and leaves little room for imaginative wanderings.
But hey, that’s the beauty of it, right?
The challenge lies in finding a way to balance the logical and creative aspects of your mind. Embracing the intricacies of debits and credits while still allowing your imagination to soar ~ it’s a delicate dance.
So, fellow young souls, heed my cautionary tale and be prepared for the creative havoc accounting can wreak on your mind if you so choose to go down that path. Now, the aim of Friday Freewrite is to extend your writing abilities or simply get you Writing.
The world of accounting is a unique and complex realm that demands a careful balance between logic and creativity. However, this convergence of numerical intricacies and creative exploration is what makes accounting both challenging and mind numbing. So, fellow adventurers, embrace the delicate differences between the structured world of debits and credits and the boundless flights of your imagination in Freewriting!
Prepare yourself for the creative feasting ‘Freewrite’ can unleash upon your mind, and let the journey begin.
Here’s what you do:
Above is a picture of an Accountant at work, okay, it’s a dog.
When you first looked at the picture above, what came to mind? Grab that first thought.
Don’t analyze.
Now free write something inspired by the picture.
The rules (same as before)
1. Don’t think, WRITE!
2. NO Editing! Do not even rewrite or correct typos.
3. The writing doesn’t actually have to have anything to do with the picture of the dog. Write where you’re mind takes you. It might be totally unrelated, that’s a good thing.
4. Write for 10 minutes without stopping. (Set a TIMER) that is, at least ten minutes longer if you can.
5. Post your random thoughts in the comments section below, or if you are shy keep it to yourself.
Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with! Or, anything really…
Now, go have yourself a great day! Don’t step on any Bean Counters er sorry, Dogs. Now, can you see why the Title has a spelling error? Got ya!
Oh, just a parting thought.
What do Accountants use for birth control?
Yep, you guessed it. Their personality!
For years, Accountants have been charging high fees for things clients don’t understand,
can’t use and don’t need. I hope, one day, to be that person who helps businesses get the information they need to increase profits and grow their businesses while maintaining the fun in their life. Heck, if this plan doesn’t work, I’ll stick to writing fantasy. Either way, it’s the same thing!