7 Essential Books to Improve Your Writing
Books for a great school year!
Are you trying to improve your writing or adding a spark of creativity?
Whether you’re a budding writer or a seasoned scribe, the right resources can be your best allies. Reading is often touted as the most effective way to enhance your writing skills, and immersing yourself in the works of exceptional authors is an even more fruitful approach.
In this post, I’m excited to share seven (7) of the best books that have been transformative for writers across genres and styles. These are more than just guides; these are treasures of wisdom that can rejuvenate your love for writing and may help to improve your own writing.

Improve Your Writing: The Horror Genre
This was my favorite a few years back, and I still like it a lot: “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King. I have read a few more gems recently. I have to find time to get them onto this blog for you. I hope to do this soon. Remind me if this doesn’t happen soon enough for you. Sometimes (well, often), I need a bit of prodding. 🙂
This part-memoir, part-masterclass by the acclaimed Stephen King is a must-read for every writer. King shares his journey, struggles, and insights into the art of writing. It’s a rare peek into the mind of a successful storyteller and a rich source of practical advice.
Improve Your Writing: General Writing Books
“Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott’s witty, honest, and compassionate advice makes ‘Bird by Bird‘ a delight. She covers everything from the technical aspects of writing to the writer’s mindset. It’s mainly known for its empathetic approach to all writers’ challenges.
“The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
This timeless classic is often considered the definitive text on the rules of English grammar and composition, and I found it hard work but good – a bit like life itself: hard but good. Concise and powerful, it’s a vital reference for anyone who wants to write clear, persuasive English.
“Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within” by Natalie Goldberg
Natalie was pretty important to me in my early learning as a writer. If it wasn’t for her “page a day” suggestion, I think I may never have got around to doing this blog or anything. I am thankful to her for her wisdom and generosity in sharing it.
It’s another oldie but a goodie. Goldberg’s book is a gem for unlocking creativity. Blending Zen meditation with writing practice encourages writers to find their unique voice and to express themselves more freely and authentically.
“The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” by Steven Pressfield
This is a motivational book that addresses the inner obstacles a writer faces. Pressfield discusses the concept of ‘Resistance’ and offers advice on overcoming self-doubt and procrastination to achieve creative success.
“The Writing Life” by Annie Dillard
Annie Dillard’s lyrical prose and reflective insights make ‘The Writing Life’ a profound read. It’s less about the mechanics of writing and more about the intense, often challenging, journey of being a writer.

Improve Your Writing: A Young Adult Novel
“Save the Cat! Writes a Novel: The Last Book on Novel Writing You’ll Ever Need” by Jessica Brody
Of course, this book got me with the title Save the Cat! I was actually drawn by the idea that it would be a funny book about cats. Totally sucked in 😉 Ha! Ha! Zak! But it does help to improve your writing by helping with plotting characters.
Adapting Blake Snyder’s famous ‘Save the Cat!’ screenwriting techniques to novel writing, Jessica Brody offers a structured approach to plotting and character development. It’s especially helpful for writers struggling with structuring their stories.
Each book offers something unique, whether it’s practical guidance, inspirational wisdom, or both. They’ve been instrumental in my own writing journey, and I hope they ignite a similar passion and improvement in yours.
I hope this post covered various aspects, from the craft of writing to the lifestyle and challenges of a writer, offering you a comprehensive resource. Feel free to personalize it further with your insights or experiences and let me know about any great books you found.
Remember, the path to becoming a better writer is filled with learning and discovery. These books are more than just instructional; they’re companions in your literary journey.
I hope that these books will help improve your writing.
Happy reading and even happier writing!

Zak ~ getting back to basics 😉