Daily Writing Prompt ~ Shallow Focus Of Clear Hourglass

Daily Writing Prompt

Daily Writing Prompt ~ Shallow Focus Of Clear Hourglass
Daily Writing Prompt ~ Set Your Timer

Okay, let’s think 🤔 about all the writing clues, tips, rules, and knowledge we have gained in our writing journey so far in this lifetime… ahem.

Too much? 

For sure, so let’s just write something, anything for the fun of it.

Writing Prompt:

Today’s Writing Prompt requires you to set a timer for ten minutes and write something (anything) with your choice of any of the ten words below. Find more Writing Prompts here: 
Hourglass On Brown Wooden Frame - For Our Writing Prompt
Don’t worry too much about them or waste time thinking too hard just pick one and start. 
You are welcome to use all the words if that’s your thing.
I know it’s mine 🙂
If, at any point, you find yourself “on a roll” or “in the zone,” then simply keep writing: ignore the timer and all else and keep writing 
As always, the choice of whether you write fiction or non-fiction, write poetry, short story, or start a brand new novel is totally up to you.
Most importantly, have fun, and when you do finally decide to stop writing, make sure you leave your work at a point where you are excited to go back to it!

Now go!

Get to it!

Remember, FUN!

Here are some words to get you started.

* dog
* plenty
* guitar
* Smoke
* sky
* spend
* love
* travel
* rough
* Sleep

Notice: This article is copyrighted material. Reproduction of brief snippets of this article with a link to this site is permitted, but it may not be reproduced in full anywhere without the written permission of Leanne O'Connell at zakthewriter.com

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