Number 1 Blogging Guide for Beginners ~Starting Your Blog with Confidence: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
Beginning Your Blog with Confidence: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
Step 1: Blogging Guide for Beginners…
If you have been following my blog, then you know I’ve been blogging for quite some time. I didn’t know what I wanted to blog about when I started. I just started blogging and let the process lead me and it led me here: Blogging about my hobby (and later my work) Writing.
I have found so much enjoyment over the years learning to write, learning to share my writing, and reading the writing of others. I want to help you get started in blogging. The one thing I know from experience is it helps if you already have a niche, topic, or project in mind that you would like to blog about.
It’s important to choose a niche that aligns with your interests and is something you know you could talk or write about for hours and hours. If you have a niche like that your love of that niche will keep you writing through the tough days. You will have no problem with writer’s block or anything like that.
If you haven’t yet found a topic that you think you can write for hours about then you need to sit down and brainstorm what topics, you find interesting that you think could hold you for up to a year or more.
Step 2: Setting Clear Goals:
Another thing I find useful in my writing journey is setting goals.
To be honest I struggled with this for a long time but once I did set Goals and created a To-Do List, I found goal setting and achieving goals much easier.
What is a goal anyway?
Well, for me a goal is where I want to be in a set time and what I want to have achieved in that set timeframe. Strangely enough, goals are great for boosting your confidence if you set achievable goals. If you set a goal and achieve it – it helps you feel good.
If you set a goal and don’t achieve it, then it is a lesson and that is also good. If you set a “stretching goal” that is, a goal that is much harder than you know you can achieve or that you will have to work extra hard to achieve then that is particularly awesome if you achieve it.
Of course, if a stretch goal is difficult, you may not achieve it but at least you tried, and it can be clocked up as another lesson.
When I was learning about goals I read about SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The suggestion was roughly that if a goal was all those things, then it was a good goal.
Step 3: Planning Your Content Strategy:
The next step in the blogging process is to plan your content ahead. If you know what you are going to be blogging about ahead of time this helps reduce stress and uncertainty. It’s important to create a type of Diary of what you are going to write about.
It’s called many things but to give it a name I would call it a “Content Diary” or “Editorial Calendar.”
The first time I saw this tool was when I was posting on Facebook for my job. I had to write and post social media posts on Facebook and Instagram. It is basically a strategic tool used by writers, bloggers, content creators, and businesses to plan and organize their content creation efforts over a specific period of time.
If you create an editorial calendar, you can outline what content you will be creating, when it will be published, and where it will be shared or distributed. This helps you maintain consistency, manage your self-imposed (or other-imposed) deadlines, and ensure that content aligns with your goals and themes.
Here is an example I found on Hootsuite
Step 4: Building a Strong Online Presence:
After a few posts, you may find that you begin to build a stronger online presence.
The more you blog the more you boost your credibility. If you post on something special to your heart, then you can foster trust and enhance engagement.
You never know what opportunities can be attracted via your blog. Keep it professional if you are seeking work, fun if you simply want to share a skill, or create a positive user experience if you want to ultimately elevate your blog’s impact and reach.
There are many reasons for starting a blog and some may not be what you think. Put a bit of thought into a name for your blog, choose a clean layout, or design your own if you know how or want to learn a new skill. Remember to use visual aids or even create a video.
There is so much you can do. It is all up to your imagination.
Step 5: Crafting Compelling Content:
It is important to build your blog with engaging and high-quality content that resonates with your readers. It doesn’t have to be perfect all the time but it does help to make your blog interesting so your readers will come back time after time.
Think about how you would like to structure your blog posts and remember to use your unique voice. I have spoken a LOT about that over the years.
Step 6: Promoting Your Blog Effectively:
At first, creating a blog can be a bit daunting, even scary. Once you begin though the fear subsides, and you begin to enjoy the process. It gives you confidence over time as you write more and more each day. It’s a lot of fun to share your thoughts with the world.
If you are already involved in social media, networking, or other collaborations then you have a ready resource to reach out to others and share your blog.
Step 7: Overcoming Challenges and Staying Positive:
Even though I said if you chose a great topic that you love you would be okay and never get stuck on what to write. I do have to acknowledge that challenges will arise, that’s where a positive mindset is crucial.
Yes, we all have bad days – that is a fact, but a bad day is a choice so simply choose not to listen to that voice in your head that says, “I’m having a bad day” Simply answer back, “No, not today” and sing a happy song or think of a great moment in time to bring you back to where you need to be to write today.
Conclusion ~ You No Longer Need a Blogging Guide for Beginners…
That’s my take on beginning blogging. I now encourage you to take action and start your blogging journey.
Take out a pen or turn on the computer and start planning your blogging editorial calendar. You might like to start with one or two posts per week, or maybe a stretch goal of five or more blog posts per week.
But most important of all if have fun doing it.
I hope you enjoyed this Blogging Guide for Beginners.
Happy Days Writing Your Blog!
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